In his foreword, the Director of the Australian Army Research Centre writes of an ‘uncertain and surprising future’. That theme echoes across the entire content of this edition of the Australian Army Journal. It is, however, a testament to our authors that they have not let that uncertainty overwhelm them; rather, they have made critical observations, analysed problems and suggested new ways of seeing, operating in and thinking about Army. Moreover, they have done this from an individual perspective which reflects their corps, unit and particular field of interest.
Leading this discussion is Colonel Martin White who observes that current Australian strategic commentary fails to acknowledge the nexus between Defence policy and sophisticated technology and that it insufficiently takes into account the threats or opportunities of autonomous systems and artificial intelligence. In his thoughtful critique, Colonel White describes the common response to an Indo-Pacific technology race as overly ‘contained’ by geography and ‘restrained’ by military hardware. Major Lee Hayward continues this strategic critique in her call for a clearer understanding of information warfare. The information environment, according to the author, is the least familiar fighting environment but the one with the greatest potential for targeting decision-making. In a world where ‘the absolutes of war and peace are outdated and irrelevant’, Major Hayward argues for an information warfare campaign plan that takes into account the human endeavour. Advancing the theme of the uncertain environment is a thought-provoking piece by Dr Joyo Sanyal on the security challenges of operating in the zone between peace and war, known as the ‘grey zone’.
If questioning absolutes is a common motif, then Lieutenant Colonel Will Viggers does this well in his examination of the levels of war. Lieutenant Colonel Viggers examines the opacity of the level known as ‘operational’ and argues that, through complex doctrinal definitions, the logic of the levels has been obscured. He instead proposes a simple structure in which the levels are clearly distinguished according to their functions, objectives, and characteristics, and which reminds us that the use of war is inherently political. Captain Nicholas Barber offers a panacea for the uncertainty of the battlespace through developing an effective intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capability. His article argues the case for an adaptive ISR capability, based on the characteristics of agility and resilience.
Two articles follow which focus on new technology. First, three officers from the 1st Combat Service Support Battalion combine their extensive experience to propose a new model for the future of Army supply chains and distribution. Second, Major Matthew Wood from the Directorate of Land Force Design puts forward a compelling case for the reintroduction of manufacturing—in particular, 3D printing—to enhance the supply chain and support frontline innovation. Both articles demonstrate creative ways to build resilience in the force while reducing the threat to soldiers.
The next group of articles offers four different perspectives on Army’s people. In a fascinating study, Captain Toni Pachernegg discusses the emerging use of the borrowed term ‘warfighter’, its misalignment with Army’s warfighting philosophy, and the implications for creating disharmony within the moral and intellectual components of fighting power. Major Nathan Bradney provides a useful discussion on the influence of culture, ethics and foreign competition on the development of a counterterrorism capability, and observes how counterterrorism skills have gradually transferred from the Special Forces to the conventional force. In a new empirical study the Director of Defence Force Recruiting, Colonel Philip Hoglin, provides a detailed evaluation of the ADF Gap Year—Army program from its first iteration in 2007 to 2012. Finally, Brigadier Douglas Laidlaw and Lieutenant Colonel Scott Denner call for the reintroduction of the rank of Second Lieutenant as a necessary development pathway for part-time officers in the future total force.
We review four excellent books that have been recently published: a collection of essays on 21st century combatants; an ethnographic cultural study of Norwegian special forces; an official history of Australian peacekeeping missions from 1947 to 2006; and a highly informative commentary on social media, hackers and fake news. Enough reading to keep you occupied until the next edition!
Finally, I would like to congratulate Captain James Lewis for his 2019 article ‘The Battle of Marawi: Lessons for Developing Urban Capabilities’, for which he has been awarded the Chauvel Prize. The Editorial Board considered Captain Lewis’ article ‘exceptionally important and topical’ and determined that, in an impressive year of written work, it contributed best to the debate on future land warfare. I look forward to that ongoing debate, and I commend this edition of the Australian Army Journal to you.