Home Library Land Warfare Studies Centre The Land Warfare Study Centre is a historical organisation that conducted and engage others to address a wide range of military related research. This section lists all of the historical papers. Series - Any --Concept Paper-Study Paper-Working Paper Coming to terms with the modern way of war: Precision missiles and the land component of Australia's joint force 22 December 2016 This paper is intended to spark a discussion about the future of Australia’s land forces in light of advances in land-based precision missile technologies. Eyes Wide Open: Stability, Change and Network Enabling Technology 22 December 2016 How can a large organisation, deeply rooted in tradition, order, and control, purposefully embrace change? Herding Cats: The Evolution of the ADF’s Media Embedding Program in Operational Areas 01 June 2013 Like other Western military forces, the ADF has used deployments since Vietnam to develop appropriate mechanisms to support media access to its operations. The Future of War Debate in Australia 01 August 2012 Periodically the US military is host to a robust, heated, and sometimes painful debate on the future character of war. Testing the Tenets of Manoeuvre: Australia’s First Amphibious Assault since Gallipoli The 9th Australian Division at Lae, 4–16 September 1943 01 January 2012 In this paper, Brigadier Field examines the role of the 9th Australian Division in Operation Cartwheel which involved the capture of the Japanese Base at Lae. Counterinsurgency in Uruzgan 2009 01 August 2011 Success in counterinsurgency requires a careful balance between the ability to win the support of the people Design and Planning of Campaigns and Operations in the Twenty-First Century 01 April 2011 The premise of this study paper is that operational art and strategy are dynamic and contingent practices. The Lost Operational Art: Invigorating Campaigning into the Australian Defence Force 01 February 2011 ADF Operational art is conceptually weak and has been characterised by an intellectually restrictive framework. Private Military Companies and Military Operations 01 October 2010 Private military companies (PMC) form an increasingly prominent element of military operations Projecting Force: The Australian Army and Maritime Strategy 01 June 2010 With the release of Force 2030, the 2009 Defence White Paper, the Australian Government has clearly set the ADF onto the path of a maritime strategy. Contesting the Neutral Space: A thematic analysis of military humanitarianism 01 April 2010 In a 2007 presentation to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), General John Abizaid Network Centric Warfare, Command, and the Nature of War 01 February 2010 In this paper, the author examines the claim that information technologies will allow for wider and more rapid sharing of information. Asymmetric Warfare and Australian National Asymmetric Advantages: Taking the Fight to the Enemy 01 November 2009 In an era of increasing focus upon concepts such as hybrid warfare The Australian Army Counterinsurgency and Small Wars Reading Guide 01 September 2009 Insurgency is a form of warfare as old as warfare itself, and it has gone by many names in the past Distributed Manoeuvre: 21st Century Offensive Tactics 01 June 2009 Successfully conducting an offensive action remains as much the ‘gold standard' for military commanders today as it was in the days of Napoleon, Frederick or Caesar. The Ghost In The Machine: Better Application Of Human Factors To Enhance The Military Appreciation Process 01 March 2009 The topic of this paper is the Military Appreciation Process (MAP), which is the structured procedure employed by the Australian Army for operational planning. From Moltke To Bin Laden: The Relevance Of Doctrine In The Contemporary Military Environment 01 September 2008 For contemporary, Western military organisations doctrine serves as the basis of their members' intellectual unity and underpins their ability to identify and incorporate change. The World Looking Over Their Shoulders: Australian Strategic Corporals On Operations In Somalia And East Timor 01 August 2008 The world looks over the shoulders of corporals and holds them accountable for every time they and their soldiers pull the trigger. The Making And Breaking Of The Post-Federation Australian Army, 1901-09 01 December 2007 The Australian Army did not begin with the First AIF. On the contrary, the original force lived and died from March 1901 to December 1909. Organising Complexity: Modes Of Behaviour In A Networked Battlespace 01 November 2007 This paper examines two powerful motivators in US defence policy: the pursuit of network-centric warfare and the imperatives of counterinsurgency A Tale Of Three Battalions: Combat Morale And Battle Fatigue In The 7th Australian Infantry Brigade, Bougainville, 1944-45 01 September 2007 The Anzac tradition does not talk much about what happens when combat morale falters and battle fatigue undermines military effectiveness. Square Pegs For Round Holes: Current Approaches to Future Warfare and the Need to Adapt 01 June 2007 Western militaries are moving too slowly to adapt to the needs of future warfighting A Complex and Changing Dynamic: Afghan Responses to Foreign Intervention 1878-2006 01 April 2007 Perceptions of Afghanistan have been dominated by stereotypes. The country has been seen as a mountainous Asymmetry and Complexity - Selected Papers from the 2005 Rowell Seminar and the 2005 Chief of Army's Conference 01 February 2007 Since the spectacular terrorist attacks against the United States on 11 September 2001 Chief of Army’s Exercise Proceedings 2006 01 January 2007 In a world of complex war and unconventional threats 'amongst the people', of demographic and budgetary constraints and rapidly evolving technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page Next › Last page Last » Last updated: 31 October 2024 - 6:03am Latest Land Power Forum Land Power Library - War by Others’ Means James Bryant 20 March 2025 Book review, Irregular Warfare, Proximity and Partnerships The Long Shadow of COVID-19 Tim Inglis 18 March 2025 Human Security, Emerging Threats and Opportunities, Civil-Military Relations