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Volume 8, Number 2, Winter

Journal Book Reviews

Two Paeans to Professionalism 
Captain Dayton McCarthy
Triple Success from Army History Unit 
Ian van der Waag
The Last Knight: A biography of General Sir Phillip Bennett AC, KBE, DSO by Robert Lowry 
Nick Jans
Australia and the New World Order: From peacekeeping to peace-enforcement, 1988-1991 by David Horner 
Kim Beazley
The Strategy Bridge: Theory for Practice by Colin S Gray 
Antulio J Echevarria II
Afgantsy: the Russians in Afghanistan 1979-89 by Rodric Braithwaite 
Brigadier Richard Iron
When God Made Hell: The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq 1914-1921 by Charles Townshend 
David Goyne
The Media at War by Susan L Carruthers 
Cynthia Banham
The Road to Singapore: The Myth of British Betrayal by Augustine Meaher IV 
John Connor
Anzac Fury: The Bloody Battle of Crete 1941 by Peter Thompson 
Eleanor Hancock
Crumps and Camouflets: Australian Tunnelling Companies on the Western Front by Damien Finlayson 
Michael Molkentin
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