Mark Armstrong
COL Mark Armstrong has served in the Army Reserve for over 29 years and has operational experience on Operation Catalyst (Iraq 2007), Operation QLD Flood Assist (Brisbane 2011) and as Commander Joint Task Group 629.3 on Operation COVID-19 Assist (Brisbane 2020). He is a full-time Command and Staff Course graduate and was the Commanding Officer/Chief Instructor of the Queensland University Regiment. He is currently posted as the Deputy Commander of 11 Brigade.
His academic qualifications include a Master of Arts (Strategy and Management), Master of Business Administration (Strategic Management), Master of Human Resource Management and a Master of International Security Studies. In his civilian career as a supply chain professional COL Armstrong has worked for multi-national corporations including Coca-Cola Amatil and Mayne Group. Most recently he was the National Manager Supply Chain Optimisation for Symbion (Australia’s largest pharmacy wholesaler).
COL Armstrong is undertaking a PhD as part of a Defence endorsed ‘PhD by Portfolio’ program through Deakin University. His topic is “One or two Armies? Ready or not? Relevant or not? - An analytical history of institutional reviews into the Australian Army Reserve since 1999”.
Mark can be followed on Twitter @mnarmstr

Mark Armstrong