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Charles Knight


Dr Charles Knight is a senior operations analyst conducting wargaming for land capability. He has an enduring interest in urban warfare, sparked by being tasked to prepare his UK Parachute Regiment unit to defend the German city of Hildesheim against the Soviets in the 1980s. His PhD examined coercion during counterinsurgency, and as a university lecturer he taught subjects including strategic security, unconventional/asymmetric warfare, and terrorism. He remains affiliated with Charles Sturt University and the Theresian Military Academy in Austria. His research is informed by fieldwork during the Lebanese civil war and in Cambodia, as well as by operational service with several overseas militaries. In Australia he commanded 2/17RNSWR, served for over a decade with the Special Forces, and as a reservist is the SO1 Urban in the AARC.


Title Date Published
Urban Warfare Capability: A Call for Professional Debate
Volume 15, Number 1, Autumn Edition
Urban Warfare Capability: A Background to the Challengesand a Call for Professional Debate
The Poised Force: Latency and Preparedness for Accelerated Warfare
Seize, defy and discredit: a potent asymmetric strategy
The Urban Challenge
The Marawi Crisis – Urban Conflict & Information Operations - Dr Charles Knight & Katja Theodorakis
Analysing the Urban Attack: Insights from Soviet doctrine as a ‘model checklist’
Rethinking Urban War for an Army in Motion: introducing the challenge
Interactive Scenario: Concept for Clearing Hobart
Swiss Military Cost-Effectiveness in the Cold-War: Insights for Land Capability
Tailored Capability and Modest Competencies: the U.K.’s Cold War Territorial Army as a cost-effective model for Australian Army expansion?
Urban Warfare: A Practitioners Annotated Bibliography
Urban Warfare: A Practitioner’s Annotated Bibliography
Book Review - Urban Warfare in the Twenty-First Century
‘Holding the Door Open’ – Securing a Point of Entry to Facilitate Littoral Manoeuvre in the Near Region’ - Part Three
‘Holding the Door Open’ – Securing a Point of Entry to Facilitate Littoral Manoeuvre in the Near Region’ - Part Four
Volume 19 Number 2
‘Holding the Door Open’ – Securing a Point of Entry to Facilitate Littoral Manoeuvre in the Near Region’ - Part Five
Book Review - Battle of the Cities