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Primus inter pares vel primos? The Development of the Military Staff in the Australian Army

Journal Edition

As war has become more spacious and fighting more intricate, so victory has grown more and more dependent on a system where the leader is supported by a staff and an executive, trained to relieve him of the burden of detailed preparation and administration and to give effect to his plans by a thorough comprehension of his intentions.[1]


Military advisors, often grouped as a ‘staff’, have probably existed as long as armies have had commanders. The principal role of the staff is to aid the commander to control military action through the performance of planning, administrative and support functions. Across the Australian Army today, staff exist in the headquarters of battalions, regiments, brigades, divisions, commands and at the service level. However, the structure of these staffs and how they are employed differs widely. The primary reason for this is the unique development path of the staff system in Australia, influenced by its military heritage and shifting alliances. The effect of this continues to be felt today where conflicts exist between the current staff model and staff processes. To appreciate why this has occurred it is necessary to understand the history of the development of the military staff in broad terms and within Australia.

This paper examines the origins and nuances of the military staff system employed by Army. It aims to inform commanders and those serving on, or preparing to serve on, military staffs to enable them to understand why the staff system exists in the form that it does today and how it could be bettered for tomorrow. It examines the heritage of Australian staff approaches, which primarily draw from two different philosophies prevalent in Western militaries. First, it examines the British staff philosophy and its particular characteristics. Second, it explains how the Australian staff system developed over the course of the 20th century. Third, it examines the evolution of the Australian staff system in the early 21st century with the adoption of the Common Staff System, which originated in French staff philosophy. Fourth, it discusses a number of observations on current staff guidance and practice. It concludes by offering three recommendations for further analysis and discussion. 

The British Army’s Staff System

Staffs have existed in the British military since at least the 17th century.[2] In the Napoleonic era, British army staffs were divided into adjutant and quartermaster functions, with the highest-ranking staff officers of each function titled ‘Adjutant General’ and ‘Quartermaster General’. The former dealt with personnel, disciplinary and administrative matters. The latter focused on quartering, provisioning and moving troops. In this period, staff often lacked formal military education and were frequently selected as a result of seniority or allegiance to the commander. Conspicuously absent from the British approach was a chief of staff to coordinate the effort of the two functions, particularly when the commander was engaged on the field of battle.[3] 

The burden of planning battles, allocating resources and making decisions on the field of battle largely fell on the shoulders of the commander. These commanders would, when required, seek advice from subordinate arms commanders, e.g., the leaders of the separate cavalry, infantry and artillery arms. However, ultimately it was the commander who developed the plan and oversaw its execution on the field of battle by ordering the formations of these arms and coordinating when they charged, marched or fired. As the size of armies expanded in the 18th and 19th centuries, the span of command grew to encompass the coordination of multiple battles/actions across one or more campaigns spread across vast distances. Likewise, the complexity of the means of warfare increased. Artillery could be accurately employed beyond the field of battle (e.g., beyond direct line of sight), rail transported armies hundreds of kilometres quickly and the telegraph enabled information to be conveyed rapidly. The thirst of new weapons also added to the burden of supplying and equipping an army. Consequently, managing the preparations for war and commanding and controlling its execution on multiple fields of battle became far greater challenges for a single commander.[4] 

The impetus to improve command and control in the British Army was driven by its performance during the Crimean War of 1853–1856. Britain’s involvement was chequered by intelligence, logistic and planning shortcomings which manifested in poor battle performance.[5] In its wake, the need to professionalise the officer corps prompted the creation in 1858 of a dedicated staff college to educate military officers and, under the subsequent Cardwell Reforms, the abolition of the purchase of officer commissions in 1871. The staff college was important as it enabled the development of a body of officers trained in the general arts and science of war—referred to today as operational planning, intelligence and execution. Graduates were awarded the post-nominal of ‘passed-staff-college’ or ‘p.s.c’ and earmarked for employment in staff roles. However, the number of graduates it produced was insufficient to populate staffs across the entire force, and the influence of the staff in the late 19th century was relatively limited.[6]

This was reflected in the performance of the late Victorian era British Army in the Second Anglo-Boer War of 1899–1902. Most of the headquarters in this war featured ad hoc staffs, which were afforded little opportunity to train together and consequently were unfamiliar with the commander they supported. This situation resulted in poor command and control in the field and high incidences of wastage.[7] In response, a series of investigative reports into the war were undertaken; the Esher Committee Report of 1904 is of most relevance to this analysis. Inter alia it recommended the creation of a trained high-level General Staff to command and control the Army. This was modelled, to a point, on the German General Staff, itself derived from the Prussian staff model. It is important to delineate that the term ‘General Staff’ pertained not only to a collective staff providing the highest headquarters of the army but also to the creation of a ‘Generalist’ staff branch within it. This branch became responsible for performing the operational coordination, planning and intelligence functions to support the commander. The British General Staff was created in 1905 and the staff approach instituted in standing army, corps, division and brigade headquarters during the period of the Haldane Reforms over 1906–1912.[8] 

Importantly, this approach was captured doctrinally in Field Service Regulations, Part II, Organisation and Administration, released in 1909, and the Staff Manual in 1912. The former explained that the staff consisted of three branches:

  1. the General or ‘G’ Branch, responsible for operations, intelligence and training
  2. the Quartermaster-General or ‘Q’ Branch, responsible for supplies and equipment support
  3. the Adjutant-General or ‘A’ Branch, responsible for administration, personnel and discipline.[9]

The G Branch staff officers within this system were termed ‘General Staff Officers’. General Staff Officer Grade 1, or ‘GSO1’ lieutenant colonels were assigned as head of the G Branch in a division, or head of a section (e.g., operations, intelligence or training) in a higher headquarters such as a corps or army. Majors as GSO2s could be in charge of a brigade level G Branch, lead one of the sections in a division G Branch or serve as an assistant in a higher headquarters. GSO3 captains served in assistant roles. Officers of the A and Q branches were assigned different titles. Lieutenant colonels were appointed as Assistant Adjutant General (AAG) or Assistant Quartermaster General (AQMG), and were heads of A and Q branches in a division, or if these positions were combined the individual was titled Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General (AAQMG). At higher headquarters, they served as heads of an A or Q section (e.g., provost marshal, quartermaster or ordnance). Majors were titled Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) or Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General (DAQMG) and were either heads of brigade branches or assistants in higher staffs. Captains were termed Staff Captain Adjutant (SCA) or Staff Captain Quartermaster (SCQ), serving as assistants in their branches.[10] Importantly, except in the highest commands this model did not provide for a chief of staff, with the coordination function falling to the senior officer in the G Branch. 

At the brigade level the senior ‘G’ function officer, a GSO2, was the Brigade Major or ‘BM’. However, given the paucity of staff at this level prior to the First World War (which consisted of the commander, a major and a staff captain), the BM was not only responsible for coordinating the entire headquarters but was also responsible for all operational and intelligence issues. Further, at this level the A and Q branches were amalgamated into one organisation that addressed supply, transport, movements, clothing, maintenance, awards, postings, promotions, medical, chaplains and military police matters. The combined ‘A/Q’ function was led by the staff captain, titled Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General (DAAQMG), or simply the ‘DQ’.[11] The small staff was also supported by orderlies, clerks and military police.[12] Importantly, over the course of the two world wars as the military evolved and gained additional capabilities, additional functions and staff were also added. These included a GSO3 as deputy to the BM and an intelligence officer, as well as transport, service corps and electrical and mechanical engineering officers to support the DQ, as shown in Figure 1.[13]

A British brigade headquarters structure circa 194514

Figure 1. A British brigade headquarters structure circa 1945[14]

At the unit level, infantry battalions, cavalry regiments and artillery brigades[15] were structured along similar lines. The unit’s Commanding Officer (CO), a lieutenant colonel, was provided a major as Second-in-Command and two captains: the Adjutant and the Quartermaster.[16] In barracks, the Adjutant served as the CO’s personal staff officer and was responsible for the ‘A’ functions of administration, organisation and discipline of the unit, particularly recalcitrant subalterns. In the field, as the senior captain the Adjutant also performed the ‘G’ role, receiving, developing and issuing the orders of the CO and, given that the battalion Second-in-Command was generally located in the echelon in the unit’s rear area, controlling the conduct of the unit. The Quartermaster managed the unit’s ‘Q’ functions such as supplying, moving and quartering the unit.[17] Akin to the brigade staff, over the course of the 20th century as the means to wage war grew in complexity at the unit level, additional staff were added to the battalion/regiment staff, such as an intelligence officer, battle adjutant who focused on unit operations, and regimental technical adjutant responsible for the maintenance and worthiness of the unit’s equipment.[18]

From this overview, three defining characteristics of the British system are evident. The first is the absence of a chief of staff in all but the highest of headquarters. The second, is the ‘diarchic’ division of the staff into two components, one primarily concerned with operational and intelligence functions and the other with administrative and supply matters. Third, the British system gave primacy to operational matters over supply and administrative issues. Given these characteristics, it is useful to highlight several strengths and weaknesses peculiar to the British Commonwealth model. 

First, commanders at division and brigade levels had neither a deputy commander nor a dedicated chief of staff, resulting in a relatively flat bureaucracy. The latter role was performed by the ‘G’ Branch GSOI at division and the BM at brigade level. The strengths of this approach were the ease of access afforded to the two functional heads and the direct involvement of the commander in coordinating the work of their staff. Conversely, the absence of a chief of staff meant that there was no redundancy in the event of the commander being absent or incapacitated. At brigade level without an immediately available deputy to assume command, another leader, such as a unit commander who was often physically displaced from the headquarters, was required to do so. In certain cases, this resulted in BMs assuming command while replacement commanders were sought,[19] adding to their already substantial role.

Second, the British staff system’s diarchic reliance primarily on two principal staff officers (PSOs) could prove vulnerable in wartime. Brian Bond’s examination of the British Army staff system noted that at the division level the two PSOs, the GSOI and DAAQMG, were ‘absurdly overworked’, a problem exacerbated by a dearth of trained staff officers.[20] Others noted that the staff of a divisional artillery commander, consisting of a BM and staff captain, was ‘too small to exercise effective control’ over the division’s four artillery brigades.[21] Likewise, at the brigade level, the BM and DQ weathered a significant number and wide range of duties. In a BM’s case, not only were they responsible for receiving, drafting and issuing orders, assigning reconnaissance tasks, interpreting intelligence, conducting planning and coordinating operations; they were also responsible for managing the ‘G’ Branch, the staff itself and siting and moving the headquarters.[22] While the performance of these multitudinous tasks was perhaps manageable with a well-trained, experienced and talented individual in the role; when trained staff were in short supply or lost as battle casualties, the reliance on such individuals could be a point of weakness. In his doctoral dissertation on infantry brigade command during the First World War, Roger Wood noted that the loss of experienced and efficient brigade majors was ‘keenly felt’ and impacted on the ‘efficacy of a brigade’.[23] Given the DQ’s vast remit of administrative and logistic responsibilities, and the importance of these to operations, the loss or incapacitation of these individuals likely resulted in similar adverse effects. 

Furthermore, as the Army rapidly expanded in response to the scale of the fighting in the First World War, this created an 'appalling shortage’ of trained staff officers.[24] In response, many prospective staff received abbreviated training, such as attending expedient junior and senior staff courses. However, there were many who received little formal education.[25] The problem of inadequate staff numbers and training appeared again in the early fighting in the Second World War. Edward Smalley’s examination of staff performance during the fighting in France in 1940 cites poor-quality staff work as a contributing factor in the British Army’s substandard performance. He asserts that as ‘the military situation deteriorated, the staff system and its orthodox military procedures was overwhelmed’.[26] Others note that as the war progressed and staff training was again shortened, the standard of the graduates deteriorated and the staff work suffered.[27] These wartime experiences leave the impression that the British system at lower tactical levels, which employed very few staff, was particularly vulnerable to the loss of key staff and shortages in trained officers. 

Third, the function and status of the ‘G’ staff resulted in a primus inter pares or ‘first among equals’ approach, particularly at lower levels. This approach is a theme found throughout the British Field Service Regulations, as exemplified by the 1939 iteration of Field Service Regulations, Volume I, Organisation and Administration, which states that the BM was not only responsible for the work of the other staff but could allocate it as they saw fit.[28] This relative autonomy was reinforced by the disparity in ranks between the BM and other staff officers, with the operations function ‘out-ranking’ the other functions. In practice, this situation risked the ‘G’ or operations function dominating the other branches and created the potential for operational matters to override all others to the detriment of the broader plan. 

It is important to note that this system, with its inherent strengths and weaknesses and its idiosyncratic appointment titles, served the British Army throughout the majority of the 20th century, including both World Wars. Although its three defining characteristics are consistent throughout this period, the system should not be misconstrued as monolithic. The staff structure and staff processes adapted as new technologies and methods were incorporated into the British Army. Ultimately, the system was replaced in British service in the 1980s, and subsequently in Commonwealth armies such as Australia’s, by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) or Continental Staff System. Before considering this staff system, an examination of the Australian staff approach during the 20th century is necessary to provide context.

The Australian Approach in the 20th Century—Adoption and Adaptation of the British Commonwealth Model

In 1901, the Federation of the former colonies triggered the creation of the Australian Commonwealth Military Forces (ACMF), the antecedent of the Australian Army. Given Australia’s membership of the British Empire, the Australian military was closely aligned with the British Army at this time. This resulted in the adoption of British weapons, equipment and organisations, including staff structures and processes.[29] Consequently, the British or Commonwealth staff approach dominated Australian practice during the 20th century. Australian staff replicated British practice during peacetime as well as during the First and Second World Wars. While the initial command and control of the Australian military rested in the hands of a General Officer Commanding, this was replaced in 1905 by a Military Board. The board was presided over by the Minister for Defence and eventually included a civil member, a financial representative and four military members. Of these military members, the first was responsible for organisation, operations and intelligence, the second personnel and administration, the third supplies and transportation and the fourth fixed defences, arms and ammunition. These military positions corresponded with the generalist, adjutant-general, quartermaster-general and master-general of the ordnance functions instituted in Britain at that time.[30] Separate to this was the position of Inspector General, who provided an independent assessment of the military readiness and effectiveness of the force. In 1909, the position of Chief of the General Staff (CGS) was created. The CGS performed the generalist function, commanded the other functions and conducted liaison with the Imperial General Staff on defence matters. While command of forces during time of war resulted in the creation of a Commander-in-Chief either separate or superior to the general staff, this high-level staff system remained largely intact until a series of reforms that occurred during the 1970s.[31] Figure 2 depicts some of the key senior staff officers of Headquarters Australian Corps during the First World War. 

For the ACMF, the Australian Constitution and the Defence Act affected both its composition and organisation as well as that of the military staff. For almost all of the first 50 years of its existence, the Australian military was predominantly a militia force whose part-time divisions, brigades and units were governed, trained and sustained by a small permanent element. With the exception of certain artillery and engineer capabilities, it did not contain permanent combat units. This differed functionally from the British Army, which contained both full-time/permanent and part-time/militia combat units and formations. In Australia this model was enshrined in the Defence Act 1903 (Cth), which directed that the part-time Citizen Forces provide the basis of the infantry, light horse and field artillery combat arms.[32]  The full-time Permanent Forces existed to provide administrative and training support via cadres of officers, warrant officers and senior non-commissioned officers posted to each unit and formation. Because full-time personnel could not legally be part of the combat arms, this resulted in permanent ‘generalist’ personnel being posted to the Administrative and Instructional Staff, who along with members of the Army service, medical, ordnance, artillery and engineer corps provided headquarters staff and instructors.[33] 

Senior staff officers of the Australian Corps at Bertangles Chateau, 1918.

Figure 2. Senior staff officers of the Australian Corps at Bertangles Chateau, 1918. Lieutenant General Sir John Monash KCMG KCB VD, General Officer Commanding, Australian Corps (seated), with (back row, left to right) Brigadier General CH Foott, Chief Engineer; Brigadier General RA Carruthers, Deputy Adjutant and Quartermaster General; Brigadier General TA Blamey, Brigadier General, General Staff; Brigadier General LD Fraser, Brigadier General, Heavy Artillery; and Brigadier General WA Coxen, Brigadier General, Royal Artillery. (Source: Australian War Memorial E02750)

Changes to this approach were driven by the experience gained from the operation and administration of the Australian Imperial Force during the First World War. In 1921, as part of a major reorganisation of the military, a structure mirroring the wartime force was adopted. This incorporated five infantry and two cavalry divisions. To administer this large organisation the Australian Staff Corps and Australian Instructional Corps were created, the latter consisting of permanent quartermasters, warrant officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs). The Staff Corps initially comprised ‘combat arms’ officers drawn from the Permanent Military Forces Administrative and Instructional Staff, Royal Australian Field Artillery, Royal Australian Garrison Artillery and Royal Australian Engineers. In general, the permanent Staff Corps officers filled staff appointments at unit and higher formations while the part-time militia officers filled command appointments, although exceptions to this occurred.[34] However, following the Second World War, changes to the Defence Act led to the creation of a permanent Australian Regular Army and its ascendancy over the militia as the preferred provider of military power. Importantly this enabled the creation of permanent infantry and armour units. These, in conjunction with specialised corps training schools, now generated and administered combat arms officers, warrants and NCOs. As junior permanent officers were also able to graduate into these combat arms corps, the need for a specialised staff corps for combat officers became moot. Consequently, the Australian Staff Corps was eventually removed from Army’s order of battle in 1983.[35] 

The development of an Australian military staff was followed by the development of an Australian staff college. Post-Federation, the growing requirement for skilled administrators and trainers for the citizen force resulted in the establishment of the Royal Military College Duntroon in 1911 to furnish junior officers to it. However, in the absence of a higher-level staff college, small numbers of Australian officers attended the British staff college at Camberley or the British Indian Army’s at Quetta. This situation remained until 1938 when Army formed a Command and Staff School in Sydney to develop mid-senior officers versed in higher tactics, military strategy and administration. This school was subsequently moved to Fort Queenscliff in Victoria and renamed the Australian Staff College in 1946. It was again renamed as the Command and Staff College in 1982, and was eventually absorbed into a tri-service Australian Command and Staff College in 2000. Most recently, in 2019 this college and the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies (which trains senior-level officers) were amalgamated into the Australian War College, with the Australian Command and Staff Course the mechanism to train mid-level Army staff officers.[36]

Returning to the 1970s, the Hassett Committee was the first of several reviews that led to significant reforms in the staff system at higher levels. This review rationalised the functions of the General Staff and elevated the CGS into an executive function above the others to focus on command of the Army and serve as principal advisor to the Minister for Defence. This led to the creation of a Chief of Operations to assume the operations, training and planning functions of the CGS’s office. In line with this the Adjutant-General, Quartermaster-General and Master-General of the Ordnance became the Chiefs of Personnel, Logistics and Materiel. Around this time the distinction between G, A and Q staff titles was removed, with a generic appointment of ‘Staff Officer’ with three grades entering into use – SO1 (Lieutenant Colonel), SO2 (Major) and SO3 (Captain).[37] The second major change was the abolition of the Military Board under the Tange Review. This ultimately unified the services as the Australian Defence Force (ADF), to be commanded by a Chief of Defence Force (CDF) and controlled by the Chief of Defence Force Staff (CDFS).[38] Under this approach, the CGS was subordinated to the CDF and access to the Minister for Defence became more limited for the other former members of the board. In 1997, the CGS was renamed Chief of Army (CA) in recognition of the role of both command and control during peace and war.[39] 

Amid these higher level changes, at the tactical level brigade and unit staff approaches continued to reflect British staff philosophies discussed previously. These approaches were codified in various staff duties guides, precis and aide-mémoires as well as in Army doctrine issued over the 20th century such as the Pentropic Division (1960), Division in Battle (1971) and Manual of Land Warfare (1977–1995) doctrine series.[40] Analysis of the final doctrinal expression of the British-derived Australian staff approach issued in the 1990s illustrates the influence of British thinking. The Manual of Land Warfare Part One, Volume 5, Pamphlet No 1, Staff Duties in the Field (1995), explained that the staff included:

  1. a Coordination element to carry out the detailed coordination work of the headquarters and undertake the necessary action to carry out the commander’s direction, generally consisting of a chief of staff and a coordination section at division level;
  2. an Operations Branch responsible for operations, training, plans, intelligence, air support and communications;
  3. a Personnel Branch responsible for personnel management issues such as reinforcements, postings and promotions, morale, discipline, welfare, honours and awards; and supervision of medical, dental, psychology, military police, prisoners of war, refugees, pay finance, chaplains, burials, graves, legal, canteens, amenities and philanthropic organisations; and
  4. a Logistics Branch responsible for support engineering, movement, transport, postal, materiel management, supply stockholding, maintenance, recovery and other services.[41]

The Manual of Land Warfare explained that the relationship between the commander and the chief of staff was extremely close. In the absence of the commander, the chief of staff was to be prepared to act in the commander’s name, anticipating their full support. The chief of staff worked closely with the senior staff officers to ensure that operational and administrative plans were properly coordinated and that the administrative staff was kept constantly in touch with operational changes. However, it noted that at the brigade level, as no chief of staff was provided for, the BM was assigned the coordination function. Furthermore, it advised that the Operations Branch was the senior branch in the headquarters and thus determined the priorities and the acceptability of the supporting plans of other branches.[42] Notably, and as in British practice, the Personnel and Logistics branches were often combined into one, led by a Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General or DQ.[43] Given the retention of terms such as ‘BM’, the absence of a dedicated chief of staff and the diarchic division, this doctrinal guidance demonstrates the enduring influence of British thinking on the Australian staff approach. However, the desire for broader interoperability in the late 1990s, and the growing complexities of staff functions, led to the evolution of the ADF’s, and Army’s, staff system. 

The Australian Approach in the 21st Century—the Common Staff System

In 1997, the ADF adopted at the operational level what it termed a Common Joint Staff System, which emulated the NATO Staff System. The primary reasons given for this were the ability to standardise staff organisations across the breadth and depth of the services; and improve interoperability between America, Britain, Canada and Australia, as well as NATO partners that employed this system.[44] Before examining the application of the staff system in the 21st century, it is useful to understand its heritage.

The system’s origins lay in the French staff model of the late 18th century. This was based on a ‘bureau’ approach in which the staff were divided into multiple departments or functions. Originally, this comprised four bureaux: the first handled administration; the second addressed technical matters such as armaments, engineers and hospitals; the third dealt with operational planning, reconnaissance and communications; and the fourth managed the staff itself. Importantly, these bureaux were coordinated by a chief of staff on behalf of the commander. The efficiency of Napoleon Bonaparte’s Grande Armée in the early 19th century is often credited by scholars to this system. The 1806 Battle of Jena-Auerstedt is a key example of the success of the French approach, which in turn triggered a renewal of the Prussian staff model, that proved decisive during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870.[45] During the First World War, the functions of the bureaux evolved to personnel, intelligence, operations/plans and logistics. Importantly, the French system was adopted by the American Expeditionary Force during the war and subsequently accepted by the United States Armed Forces.[46] While additional functions were added over the 20th century, the primary characteristic of a chief of staff coordinating multiple staff functions has prevailed.

In late 1997, Army implemented the Common Staff System at the tactical level to complement the introduction of the Common Joint Staff System. Training Information Bulletin No 84 (TIB84) introduced the Common Staff System and its benefits, which it explained as:

  1. common functional staff structures at all levels of command
  2. clear divisions of staff responsibilities along functional lines
  3. simplified correspondence
  4. easier recognition of staff functions by allies and other military contacts
  5. a sense of common purpose between staffs at all levels of command.[47]

TIB84 specified that this system was to be adopted at all headquarters down to battalion level to provide a common and structured approach to identifying staff functions and appointments. This system employed letters to identify the type of headquarters, as outlined below:

C—Combined Staff (multi-national) headquarters

J—Joint Staff (tri-service) headquarters

N—Naval component or headquarters

A—Air component or headquarters

G—Army component or headquarters of division or higher

S—Army headquarters brigade or below

SOJ—Special Operations component of a headquarters.[48]

Numbers added to these letters indicated the function of the division, branch, cell or individual:

0—Command Group and Specialist Staff. This included the executive staff (commander, deputy and chief of staff) as well as specialist staff.

1—Personnel. Personnel staff managed personnel and personnel policy, conducted administration and dealt with prisoners of war.

2—Intelligence. Intelligence staff managed the commander’s intelligence requirements including the location, activities and capabilities of the enemy.

3—Operations. Operations staff assisted the commander by organising, training for and executing operations.

4—Logistics. Logistics staff coordinated logistic advice, and developed and monitored logistics plans including administrative movements.

5—Plans and policy. Plans staff focused on developing options to achieve the commander’s mission and refining these into plans for future operations/contingencies.

6—Communications and Information Systems. These coordinated communications and information systems requirements including network and information architecture.

7—Doctrine and Training. Training staff identified standards, procedures, validation and training approaches to meet readiness requirements.

8—Force Structure and Development. Development staff were responsible for force structure, mobilisation and capability/equipment proposals and changes. 

9—Civil Military Cooperation. This function was responsible for providing advice and liaison to enable planning and preparation with other government and non-government agencies.[49]

A generic divisional structure is shown in Figure 3 below.

An exemplar contemporary Australian Division Headquarters structure based on the Common Staff System

Figure 3. An exemplar contemporary Australian Division Headquarters structure based on the Common Staff System[50]

The Common Joint Staff System introduced several important differences to the previous approach. First, within the ‘0’ function the commander was assisted by a deputy commander, assistant commanders and a chief of staff. The deputy and assistants provided for continuity of command in the absence of the commander, and control of specific areas or functions when needed. The chief of staff supervised the staff and ensured timely and efficient inter-staff coordination in order to provide the commander with coordinated staff recommendations. They reviewed staff actions, resolved tasking conflicts and assigned staff duties. In turn, they passed pertinent information and insight from the commander to the staff and from the staff to the commander. Critically, this freed the commander from routine detail, enabling greater freedom to command. In the event that no deputy commander was appointed, the chief of staff assumed this role.[51] A clear advantage of this approach was the redundancy it provided in terms of command. A deputy or at least a dedicated chief of staff was available in the event of the commander being absent or incapacitated to assume command. 

Second, the previous functions of the Operations, Personnel and Logistics branches were divided into the nine staff functions. This had the benefit of providing dedicated expert staff to each function—personnel, intelligence, operations, logistics, planning, training, etc.—rather than a number of functions being combined under a branch or an individual. Conversely, the creation of more functions meant more voices competing for access to the commander. Consequently, with the number of principal and additional specialist staff, the chief of staff function became even more critical to coordinate, prioritise and direct the staff’s effort and provide the commander with clear, specific and objective staff recommendations. 

Third, Army articulated that, with the introduction of the Common Staff System, all branch heads had equal access to the commander—there was no first among equals.[52] This represented a fundamental difference in philosophy and application between the Prussian and British approaches and the French and American methods. In theory at least, this meant that other PSOs representing functions such as intelligence, logistics, planning, etc. had equal contact with the commander and would not require the approval of one of their peer PSOs (e.g., the operations officer) to do so.As others have identified, by providing intelligence, logistics and administrative officers with co-equal status to the operations officer, this permitted the conduct of analysis and production of outputs objectively, rather than these functions being dominated by the prerogative of the operations function.[53] In reality, the chief of staff in their coordination function did control access to the commander to a degree, with the attendant risk of favouring one function over another.

In conjunction with the introduction of the Common Staff System, Army also introduced the Military Appreciation Process (MAP) outlined in TIB74. The MAP, which nested in the Joint MAP, was derived from the US Tactical Decision Making Process and incorporated the Individual Appreciationpreviously in use as the Individual Estimate, later termed the Individual MAP.[54] The MAP provided the method for the staff to conduct analysis and to codify feedback to the commander on both the art and the science of war. Importantly, the MAP functioned hand in glove with the Common Staff System. It was command led, with the commander providing guidance and direction; and staff driven, with the functions analysing the situation and providing recommendations within their field of expertise. Notably, each staff function and individual PSO was assigned discrete roles, tasks, briefs and outputs to deliver as part of the MAP. Critical among these was that of the chief of staff, as with increased staff output there was a commensurate increase in the need for coordination. The chief of staff managed, coordinated, synchronised, quality controlled and applied discipline to the staff MAP effort.[55] In this model, the chief of staff was separated from the other staff officers by function and rank. Given this authority, within the staff they are primus, not primus inter pares. 

Observations on Current Doctrinal Guidance

While the adoption of the Common Staff System occurred almost 25 years ago, it is evident that the British approach remains influential. This is particularly so at the brigade and below level, where terminology, roles and application blend both Common Staff System and British methods. By surveying relevant doctrine from the early 2000s onwards, a number of observations on terminology, role and application can be made. First, terminology in doctrine is important. This is particularly so at the brigade level, where titles of key individuals signify their role and status in the staff. Conflict between titles and staff functions are shown in the the land warfare series of doctrine publications which addressed the Common Staff System over the early 21st Century. Land Warfare Procedure – General (LWP-G) 5-1-1 Operational Staff Guide Part 1—Planning Procedures, 2004, which superseded TIB84, in deference to the vestiges of the previous system acknowledged that ‘units and formations may retain traditional titles such as adjutant, operations officer and Colonel Plans for everyday communications’; however it directed that the ‘Common Staff System took precedence where doubt existed’.[56] Likewise Land Warfare Doctrine (LWD) 5-1-1 Staff Officers’ Guide, 2007, which succeeded it, briefly noted that the officers appointed as the S1/S4 and the S3 are sometimes referred to as ‘DQ’ or ‘BM’ but made no other mention.[57] In the most recent iteration, LWP-G 0-5-1 Staff Officers Guide, 2017, the titles of Deputy Assistant Adjutant Quartermaster General and Brigade Major reappear.[58] Therefore, are these simply semantic differences, with the titles of BM and DQ equivalent to the roles of the S3 and S4, or does this demonstrate conflict between the roles accorded by different schools of thought? Deeper analysis of these doctrinal roles is informative. 

Second, a survey of the publications listed above demonstrates little change in roles from 1997 through to 2017. This indicates doctrinal continuity of thought on how a staff is structured and the roles and functions of the branches within it. Each publication articulates the ‘0’ executive and ‘1–9’ functional roles and responsibilities in accord with the NATO staff approach. The role and function of the chief of staff is explained in detail and the necessity of this role is abundantly clear. Likewise, the role and function of the principal staff is definitive. Notably, it defines the role of the S3 as a branch head focusing on executing operations/exercises and organisation. The S3 is responsible neither for the planning function nor for setting the priorities of other branches or the acceptability of their supporting plans—they are not a pseudo chief of staff. Therefore, the doctrinal roles and functions of the S3, the S5 and the chief of staff are separate, as are those of the S1 and S4. 

However, analysis of the most recent doctrinal guidance suggests that conflict exists between the application of the Common Staff System, the MAP and relics of the previous British staff system. In terms of the application of the Common Staff System at brigade and below levels, the 2017 Staff Officers Guide offers contradictory guidance. In Section 1-4, it explains the application of the staff functions over 13 pages, in prose very similar to the 2004 and 2007 iterations. However, it then states:

Many HQ, particularly at brigade level and below, amalgamate staff branches into groups led by a principal staff officer (PSO). These groups are as follows: 

a.       Commander’s Advisory Group. As discussed in paragraph 1.47 and paragraph 1.48, the Commander’s Advisory Group provides advice to the commander. 

b.       Personnel/Logistics Group. This group is responsible for all G/S/SOJ 1 and G/S/SOJ 4 functions and at the brigade level is managed by the Deputy Assistant Adjutant Quartermaster General. 

c.       Intelligence Group. This group is responsible for all G/S/SOJ 2 functions and at the brigade level is managed by the S2. 

d.       Operations Group. This group is responsible for all G/S/SOJ 3, G/S/SOJ 5, G/S/SOJ 7 and G/S/SOJ 8 functions, and at the brigade level is managed by the brigade major.[59]

This approach may reflect the realities of the available staff at brigade and unit levels (e.g., gaps in staff positions), resulting in the necessity to combine operations/plans/training/development and personnel/logistics functions. However, it contradicts the Common Staff System’s aim to provide equal representation for all the functions. If the functions are, in effect, filtered by group heads, then the subject matter expert advice of each function potentially falls prey to subjectivity and ignorance. Third, this approach risks the dominance of the operations group over all others, in turn jeopardising the objectivity of the staff as a whole. The 2017 Concept for Employment for Army’s Combat Brigade evinces this. While not doctrine, this concept states that the BM is responsible for operations, plans, training, development and resource management, as well as orchestrating HQ functions including the commander’s advisory group and delivery of battlespace effects. Furthermore, it advises that the DQ and the Intelligence Officer are responsible for ‘supporting the BM’.[60] This approach negates the co-equal status of the staff branches and suggests a return to the first among equals thinking which adoption of the Common Staff System sought to eliminate. This guidance also clashes with the MAP.

The latest iteration of the MAP, Land Warfare Doctrine 5-1-4 The Military Appreciation Process, 2015 defines the need and role of the chief of staff and assigns tasks to each staff function/PSO. It makes no mention of BMs or DQs; nor does it prioritise one function above the others.[61] Further, the role articulated in the concept for the BM/S3 of ‘orchestrating functions’ appears to contradict the role of the chief of staff in the MAP, who is allocated this task. Likewise, if the BM/S3 engages with the commander directly, this also risks counteracting the coordination function of the chief of staff detailed in the MAP. In essence the MAP was, and is, a process designed to complement the Common Staff System. However, there are points of difference between the staff roles articulated in the MAP and those in the guidance to staff, doctrinal or otherwise. Therefore, when terminology, roles and application differ between aspects of the Army’s doctrinal guidance to its staff, this creates conflict in practice.

Observations on Current Staff Practices

In practice, four issues stem from the conflict between legacy thinking and the Common Staff System/MAP. First, when terminology, roles and functions diverge in practice from the Common Staff System/NATO approach, this can reduce interoperability. This is borne out by the example of Headquarters 1st Brigade (HQ 1 BDE). Given its location at Robertson Barracks, HQ 1 BDE acts as the key interlocutor with the annual Unites States Marine Rotation Force—Darwin (MRF-D). These rotations require HQ 1 BDE to engage with their MRF-D counterparts on a daily basis to conduct planning, liaison and operational coordination in order to execute common outcomes, such as Exercise Koolendong.[62] A regular observation by MRF-D staff upon arrival in Darwin is the initial confusion experienced when presented with the terms BM and DQ. As the MRF-D employ the NATO staff system, these terms hold little meaning. This situation has resulted in a general misunderstanding of what these staff positions are responsible for – and their roles in planning – asperhapst they are not part of the NATO lexicon and there is conflicting articulation in Australian doctrine. In the authors’ experience, this creates unnecessary friction, impacts productivity due to time lost in aligning functionality between staffs and has led to rank mismatch during planning and command post operations. While no single issue has proved insurmountable, when combined they hinder interoperability and ultimately contradict the reason for adopting the Common Staff System. In contrast, titles such as S3 and S4 do have meaning. These roles, tasks and functions are codified in easily accessible shared doctrine, and are widely understood. Therefore, in the already difficult environment of coalition operations, typified by cultural, linguistic and behavioural differences, the discipline to adhere to common doctrine and terminology seems a simple concession towards enhanced interoperability. 

Second, the conflation of the role of the S3 with that formerly mandated for a BM creates a burden both unrealistic and unsustainable. While it may have been manageable 100 years ago for a select individual at a brigade or unit to coordinate the employment of a force composed predominantly of a single arm, such as infantry or cavalry, it is questionable whether this remains the case in combined-arms formations today. It is unrealistic to expect that one individual has the knowledge or even the capacity to simultaneously coordinate staff functions across a headquarters; synchronise the multitude of battlespace effects in support of troops in contact; supervise command post operations; plan future operations; receive, develop and issue orders; and develop training plans, given the various fields of expertise that this requires. In reality, when actually engaged in operations, the operations staff are focused on fighting the ‘current fight’. Equally, the collective knowledge of the myriad systems that operate in the battlespace is accessed by drawing upon subject matter expertise in the separate staff functions and via specialist advisors—such as chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats, cyber and electromagnetic activities, ground-based air defence, surveillance and target acquisition, weapons intelligence and air liaison elements. Furthermore, while the burden this creates might appear bearable on a two-week exercise, its sustainability is highly questionable on high-tempo deployments spanning many months without the risk of a marked decrease in the quality of staff work, or ‘burnout’ of staff. In contrast, a staff with a chief of staff and a full complement of PSOs is far better placed to meet these challenges and endure.

Third, as staff numbers increase in a headquarters, so does their output and the effort required to coordinate their activities. As noted by a British Army report assessing command and control in the 2003 Iraq War, without the imposed discipline to strictly limit the size of the staff at a given level to what is essential to its role and purpose, unchecked staff growth risks cancelling out any benefit afforded by increased staff numbers.[63] Coordination requires effort by the chief of staff and principals, and imposes costs on the time available to plan and execute a mission. In response, to manage a greater number of functions, specialist advisors and processes, it can be tempting for staffs to bureaucratise by creating voluminous standard operating procedures (SOPs), drills and protocols which grow in number and complexity with the size of the staff. These can conspire to reduce tempo and create inertia in a headquarters, with planning slowed by convoluted and potentially unnecessary consultative staffing and clearance hurdles. A by- product of over-staffing is the production of orders of immense length which arrive too late for subordinate elements to ingest and execute them.[64] Similarly, unchecked growth can result in needless vertical duplication of staff functions between superior and subordinate staffs, risking unnecessary delays in handling of information, its misinterpretation, and wasted effort. Therefore, while functional representation, staff consultation and coordination are essential, discipline in staff numbers and processes is necessary to avoid the bureaucratic pitfalls of the NATO system.

Fourth, and perhaps most importantly, the dominance of one function over the others creates the potential for key inputs to be muted or dismissed in planning. As James Hittle wrote in his seminal The Military Staff: Its History and Development, ‘objectivity has all too frequently been disastrously absent from staffs in which all functions, particularly intelligence and logistics, have been subordinated and minimized with respect to the operational desires’.[65] Without objectivity in staff processes, the potential for unsupportable and therefore unfeasible plans increases when support requirements are poorly understood or relegated to a ‘back office’ function not connected to warfighting.[66] In summary, in practice the alignment of terminology, roles and function underpins not only objectivity but also the interoperability and durability of a staff. Likewise, for a staff to function effectively across its functions in sustained, high-tempo operations, it is necessary to provide it with adequate, competent and effective staff officers. In contrast, discipline must be applied to staff numbers to ensure staff at a given headquarters level are those necessary to perform that organisation’s mission. Given planned changes to Army’s force structure, opportunities exist to align doctrine and practice to improve the application of the staff system.

Enhancing the Staff System in the 2020s 

The changes commenced under Plan Beersheba a decade ago provided Army the opportunity to align structures and processes through common combat brigade and unit headquarters organisations. This plan theoretically provided Army the great benefit of a growing pool of staff with relatively standard skills and experience. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that this is not the case, with headquarters staff levels fluctuating over the force-generation cycle and different approaches applied between formations and units. In practice, staffs are a product of the realities of the posting cycle, and the individuals posted to them adapt to this—you fight with what you have. However, when staff cannot apply the MAP or abbreviate it as a matter of practice due to gaps in key roles, misalignment of functions or a lack of understanding of the process, then the ability to generate experienced and capable staff is impacted. As the service once again changes under the Army Force Structure Implementation Plan,[67] this situation may present opportunities to address the previous issues identified and enhance the staff system.

Officers around a large mud map on the ground.

Figure 4. Staff from the Australian Army’s 1st Brigade and United States Marines of the Marine Rotational Force—Darwin prepare for Exercise Koolendong 2021 at Robertson Barracks. (Image courtesy of the Defence Image Gallery)

A first step in improving the generation of skilled and experienced staff is to ensure that the doctrine which underpins their training and education is aligned, accurate and reflective of higher direction. This is a relatively simple process to ensure that the doctrine covering the MAP and staff guidance, as well as headquarters SOPs, reflects a single, unified approach. A top-down review of said documents, terminology and processes, refined by bottom-up feedback on the issues and challenges faced under the current system, such as deficiencies in staff numbers and training, would help to rapidly identify and address causal factors and achieve alignment between doctrine and practice.

Second, staff training should be optimised in design and resourcing to train individuals to employ said doctrine. In particular, courses, exercises and pre-deployment training should align with doctrinal roles and functions. This is necessary to instil the philosophy outlined in doctrine into those who practise it. Equally, realistic planning periods during training are necessary so that trainees/staff not only generate products and briefs but also have time to conduct critical analysis, develop estimates, plan, perform staff checks and liaise. 

Third, the priority accorded to posting individuals to formation staffs versus staff billets in higher headquarters may warrant re-evaluation. There is a definitive need for a ‘Great General Staff’ at Army Headquarters to administer the Army on a daily basis and manage the immense effort to modernise it for future conflict.[68] It is therefore important that Army inject human resources into its strategic headquarters to secure investment in its future. However, Army Headquarters structure and practice derives from a portfolio, program and project approach which uses management processes focused on the delivery of outcomes to achieve strategic objectives, not the Common Staff System or MAP.[69] It is perhaps paradoxical to immediately post many staff college graduates to such an organisation rather than initially investing more ‘p.s.c’ individuals as PSOs into formation headquarters. It is in these headquarters where they, and Army, can utilise their staff skills and joint networks acquired at staff college, and gain experience planning and executing formation-level operations in the ‘field army’. 

By altering the priority for some staff postings, formations could reap the benefits of increased staff effort, expertise and interoperability. HQ 1 BDE’s early experience in 2023 offers some insight into this. In a switch from the aforementioned primus inter pares approach, a ‘p.s.c’ major was posted into the S5 role, resulting in the separation between ‘Operations’ and ‘Plans’, both functionally and temporally. As the PSO responsible for the ‘Plans’ function, the S5 leads planning, including development of all major field exercises and brigade activities. They do so in conjunction with the other PSOs, and while the outputs link to ‘Operations’, they are not subordinate to the S3. The S3 contributes to the ‘manoeuvre’ aspect of the plan and subsequently executing it as an operational order. This enables the S3 to focus on controlling and coordinating the ‘current fight’, concurrent with the S5 focusing on the ‘future fight’, with inputs to both from the other PSOs when required. 

As the temporal horizon of staff activity shifts from future to current, a critical aspect has been the handover of the staff plan from the S5 to the S3 to operationalise as orders for execution, coordinated via the chief of staff and under the direction, approval and authority of the commander. This step change in approach from 2022 is neither revolutionary nor new; it is simply the application of the Common Staff System and the MAP. However, the addition and reshuffling of personnel to align with the roles and responsibilities in the Common Staff System has enabled the staff to better apply the MAP. This has already resulted in improvements to planning processes and outputs and provided opportunities for staff training. Importantly, it provides better overall support to the commander. 

The approach described here may result in a smaller number of new staff college graduates posting directly to Army Headquarters, or a redistribution of ‘p.s.c’ staff across commands to populate deputy commanders, chiefs of staffs, and ‘S’ level staff at brigades. However, it would generate staff officers with more experience in the practical application of the MAP in a joint operational environment, who are arguably better developed for subsequent postings to higher headquarters. 


This paper has provided a short history of the staff system employed by Army. It has illustrated that Australian staff methods in the 20th century were largely derivative of the British staff system. This system was typified by three characteristics: the absence of chiefs of staff at all but the highest headquarters levels, the diarchic division of the staff into ‘G’ and ‘A/Q’ functions, and the primacy of operations over personnel and logistics functions. There were both strengths and weaknesses inherent to this primus inter pares approach. Its chief strengths were a simple and relatively flat bureaucracy and direct access to the commander by the principal staff. However, it also carried inherent weaknesses such as limited redundancy, concurrency and the potential for the operations function to dominate other considerations.

By the end of the 20th century, accordant with the shift of Australian defence policy towards the United States, Army adopted the Common Staff System, whose roots lay in French staff approaches. Under this system the chief of staff was primus and its bureau approach was typified by multiple staff functions each with co-equal status. This co-equal status also offers strengths and weakness. Its primary strength is that it can furnish commanders with specialist staff advice distilled across a wide range of functions and capabilities via a system that is compatible in joint and combined environments. However, increases in staff outputs also increase the need for coordination and strict staff discipline to avoid unnecessary and unproductive bureaucracy. 

Subsequent analysis of contemporary staff application indicates that the previous British approach remains influential. British terminology continues in use and is a potential cause of conflict as former titles, such as BM and DQ, clash with the roles and functions of the Common Staff System and application of the MAP. Equally, the absence of the chief of staff and other PSOs in headquarters presents a significant challenge to executing a process reliant on the inputs of these individuals. In response, three recommendations were tendered which may improve the generation of skilled and experienced staffs: aligning doctrine and practice, affording more opportunity to train staff, and resourcing headquarters with adequate p.s.c staff to fill key positions. There are advantages and disadvantages to these recommendations, and mechanisms exist in Army to evaluate their merit in much greater detail than is available here, and, should it deem them necessary and worthwhile, to enact them. Ultimately, the role of the staff in the 21st century has changed little. The staff can aid in reducing confusion and chaos in already complex operational environments by applying discipline to both the form and the function of planning and executing military action. To perform this role, those who work within the staff system require clear guidance, sufficient resources and the discipline to employ both effectively.

Army Commentary

Tracing the history for Australia’s military staff system, and its links to our military heritage, is important. It helps us understand our command and staff culture. Such understanding is critical to the successful application of the ADF’s capstone concept: Integrated Campaigning. After all, if we cannot understand why we structure in a particularly way, how do we learn what can be, or should be, adapted to better work with others? In essence, Leo and Tony Purdy help us understand ourselves.


This article teases out the tension that exists between our tactical culture, derived from the British; and our operational headquarters experiences, heavily influenced by the United States. It may not be accurate to say the Military Appreciation Process was designed for the Common Staff System. After all, as recent planning doctrine (ADF-P-5) highlights, the Military Appreciation Process can be used at any level and by any group: individuals, tactical teams, operational staff, military-strategic planners, and inter-agency groups. However, the authors pose an important question: is our current approach to headquarters structure, and by extension planning, fit for future purpose?


This article argues that the Common Staff System, or the United States/Continental system, should be adopted. This may be the solution. More importantly, the article implies problems that need answers. First, what approach best suits Army now and into the future? Next, which approach is easiest for Army to train and educate both at current state and during a time of heightened geostrategic tension, crisis, or expansion? Finally, which provides the greatest flexibility for Army’s employment of its officer corps? It is true that the common staff system is used in many US-led headquarters at the operational and higher level. However, does full adoption of the Continental system suit how we work with regional partners, such as Japan and India? What about our South-West Pacific partners? We also need to consider the smaller Five Eyes partners: Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. These questions relate to the essence of Integrated Campaigning: the flexibility of our culture, training and education to assist us in these partnerships.


Currently Army (and the wider ADF) has a two-approach method. Army employs a modernised version of the British approach at the brigade and lower level, and the Continental system for operational headquarters. There are even cultural vestiges of the British model in Army—and other Services’—headquarters. While acknowledging the tactical US military integration concerns highlighted in the article, it is worth noting that the dual British and Continental system has provided Army, the ADF and Australia with flexibility. Institutionally it has been a success. However, that does not mean such an approach is fit for the future. 


The majority of an officer’s career is spent on the staff. How an officer operates within, and understands the dynamics of, the staff is a key part of both an officer’s career and Army’s success. In this article, Leo and Tony Purdy provide the first step in Army analysing how we want our staff to function within the ADF, inter-agency, multi-national and coalition environments. Understanding function will drive our future training, education and postings.


Nick Bosio


About the Authors

Leo Purdy is a retired Army officer who served in various staff postings. These include unit S3 and S8 positions, Headquarters Joint Operations Command in the J48, and deployments to Iraq in C33 Current Operations and C35 Future Operations branches of Headquarters Multi-National Corps Iraq and to Afghanistan as CJ5 of Headquarters Combined Team Uruzgan. He was appointed as the Chief of Army Military Fellow at the University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy in 2022. 

Major Tony Purdy is currently serving in Headquarters 1st Brigade as the S3 Operations Officer. He has previously served as the S33 Current Operations Officer in the same headquarters, as well as a range of command and training appointments including 1st Armoured Regiment, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, B Squadron 3rd/4th Cavalry Regiment and the Royal Military College Duntroon. In these roles he has served alongside a number of allies and partners on exercises in Australia and abroad, as well as on operations in Afghanistan with various NATO countries. 


[2] H Bendorf, 1967, ‘Richard Haldane and the British Army Reforms 1905–1909’ (Masters thesis, University of Omaha), 74, at:

[3] J Hittle, 1961, The Military Staff, Its History and Development (Harrisburg: Stackpole Company), 129–130, 140–143.

[4] Dreyer, 1928, 17–20.

[5] B Bond, 1971, The Victorian Army and the Staff College 1854–1914 (New York: Routledge), 56–58, 64, 69, 71; Hittle, 1961, 150–151; S Harris, 1999, British Military Intelligence in the Crimean War 1854–1856 (London: Frank Cass Publishers), 155–161.

[6] A Duncan, 2016, ‘The Military Education of Junior Officers in the Edwardian Army’ (PhD dissertation, University of Birmingham), 187–189; Bond, 1971, 112, 122–124, 169, 176–177. 

[7] A Risio, 1991, ‘Building the Old Contemptibles: British Military Transformation and Tactical Development from the Boer War to the Great War 1899–1914’ (Masters thesis, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College), 21–23, at:; H Winton, 1988, To Change an Army: General Sir John Burnett-Stuart and British Armoured Doctrine, 1927–38 (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas), 7–12.

[8] S Wilkinson, 1895, The Brain of an Army—A Popular Account of the German General Staff (Westminster: Archibald Constable & Co.), 6–7; H Ladley, 1953, ‘Industrial and Staff Organizations’, in Dr A Rex Johnson (ed.), Report on Comptrollership (Washington: George Washington University), 10–13.

[10] Hittle, 1961, 159–162; R Mallet (ed.), ‘Division Headquarters’, The AIF Project, First AIF Order of Battle 1914–1918, at:

[11] The online Australian Defence Glossary archive abbreviates the term deputy assistant adjutant and quartermaster general to ‘DQ’. See Department of Defence, Australian Defence Glossary, ID 63755. 

[12] A Rawson, 2014, The British Army 1914–1918 (Cheltenham:The History Press), 130–131; M Johnston, 2008, ‘Staff Systems and the Canadian Air Force: Part 1 History of the Western Staff System’, Canadian Air Force Journal, Summer: 20–30, 21–22, at:; R Wood, 2020, ‘The Evolution of Infantry Brigade Command in the British Army on the Western Front, 1916–1918’ (PhD dissertation, University of Wolverhampton), 53; War Office Great Britain, 1914, Field Service Pocket Book, 1914 (London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office), 3–7; War Office Great Britain, 2014, War Establishments Part I, Expeditionary Force 1914 (London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1 January).

[13] War Department, 1942, Technical Manual 30-410, Handbook on the British Army with Supplements on the Royal Air Force and Civilian Defense Organizations (Washington: Government Printing Office), 17–21, 259–260.

[14] Hittle, 1961, 159–162; G Forty, 1998, British Army Handbook 1939–45 (Phoenix Mill: Sutton Publishing), 61; War Department, 1942, 20–22. 

[15] The Artillery Brigade of the early 20th century was a unit-sized organisation and commanded by a lieutenant colonel. It was retitled as an Artillery Regiment after the First World War.

[16] War Office Great Britain, 1914, War Establishments Part I, Expeditionary Force 1914.

[17] D French, 2005, Military Identities: The Regimental System, the British Army, and the British People c. 1870–2000 (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 99; Forty, 1998, 52–61.

[18] Rawson, 2014, 130–131.

[19] J Masters, 1963, The Road Past Mandalay (New York: Bantam Books), 19, 205–206; War Office Great Britain, 1939, Field Service Regulations, Volume I, Organization and Administration, 1930, Reprinted with Amendments (Nos. 1–11) 1939 (London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office), 23. 

[20] Bond, 1971, 304, 325.

[21] M Samuels, 1995, Command or Control? Command, Training and Tactics in the British and German Armies, 1888–1918 (London: Frank Cass), 286.

[22] Masters, 1963, 108; War Office Great Britain, 1935, Field Service Regulations, Volume III, Operations—Higher Formations, 1935 (London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office), 30–35.

[23] S Bidwell and D Graham, 1982, Fire Power—British Army Weapons and Theories of War (Winchester: Allen & Unwin), 117; Wood, 2020, 53–54, 105.

[24] J Hussey, 1997, ‘The Deaths of Qualified Staff Officers in the Great War: “A Generation Missing?”’, Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research 75, no. 304: 254.

[25] Officers who attended the Junior Course (for appointment as GSOII, DAAQ and DAQG) were awarded the post-nominal of ‘sc’, and those who attended the Senior Course (for appointment as GSOI, AAG and AQMG) ‘SC’. Bond, 1971, 303–308; R Stevenson, 2010, ‘Anatomy of a Division: The 1st Australian Division in the Great War, 1914–1919’ (PhD dissertation, University of New South Wales) 179–180.

[26] E Smalley, 2015, ‘Qualified, but Unprepared: Training for War at the Staff College in the 1930s’, British Journal for Military History 2, no. 1: 70.

[27] D Fraser, 1999, And We Shall Shock Them: The British Army in the Second World War (London: Cassell), 103.

[28] War Office Great Britain, 1939, Field Service Regulations, Volume I, Organization and Administration, 32.

[29] See ETH Hutton, 1902, Military Forces of the Commonwealth: Minute upon the Defence of Australia (Melbourne: Department of Defence), at:; A Palazzo, 2002, The Australian Army: A History of Its Organisation 1901–2001 (South Melbourne: Oxford University Press), 14–61.

[30] Samuels, 1995, 57.

[32] Australian Goverment, Defence Act 1903 (Commonwealth), Part III, Division 1, Section 30, 31 and 32, No. 20 of 1903, 22 October, 1903.

[33] J Grey, 1992, Australian Brass—The Career of Lieutenant General Sir Horace Robertson (Cambridge: University of Cambridge), xv-xvi, 6; Palazzo, 2002, 26–32, 57.

[35] Commonwealth of Australia, Regulation No. 68 of the Australian Military Regulations 1927 as amended by Statutory Rules 1983 No. 61 dated 17 May 1983, at:

[36]Australian Defence College, 2013, The Evolution of the Australian Defence College: Leading Defence Learning, July 2013 (Weston: Vice Chief of the Defence Force Group), 1–7; Australian Command and Staff College, ‘History of the Australian Command and Staff College’, Australian Defence College (archived on the Wayback Machine), at:*/; C  Cunningham, 1971, History of Fort Queenscliff and the Australian Staff College, 2nd Edition (Fort Queenscliff: Australian Staff College).

[37]The term is in use in the Manual of Land Warfare by 1977. Commonwealth of Australia, 1977, Manual of Land Warfare, Part One, Volume 1, Pamphlet No 2, Command and Control (Balmoral: Australian Army), 3-1.

[38] T McKenna and T McKay, 2017, Australia’s Joint Approach: Past, Present and Future (Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia), 6–8.

[39] Palazzo, 2002, 34–48, 288–292, 313–318.

[40] Although a complete list of doctrine is beyond the scope of this paper, key examples in this period include Army Headquarters, 1948, Staff College Precis—Staff Duties Precis 1-23, Staff Duties 2: The Staff (Melbourne: Royal Australian Survey Corps); Australian Military Forces, 1966, Staff Duties (Australia) (Canberra: Army Headquarters); Directorate of Military Training, 1960, The Pentropic Division in Battle (Provisional), Part 1, Organization and Tactics (Canberra: Army Headquarters); Army Headquarters, 1971, The Division in Battle, Pamphlet No 3, Staff Notebook (Canberra: Army Headquarters).

[41] Commonwealth of Australia, 1995, Manual of Land Warfare, Part One, Volume 5, Pamphlet No 1, Staff Duties in the Field (Draft) (Balmoral: Australian Army), 1-1–1-9.

[42] Ibid., 1-1.

[43] Commonwealth of Australia, 1977, Manual of Land Warfare 1-2-1, 3-3; Commonwealth of Australia, 1987, Manual of Land Warfare, Part One, Volume 5, Pamphlet No 2, Aide-Memoire (Balmoral: Australian Army) 1-13. 

[44] Commonwealth of Australia, 1997, Training Information Bulletin No 84, The Common Staff System (Puckapunyal: Australian Army), vii, viii.

[45] C White, 1989, The Enlightened Soldier: Scharnhorst and the Militärische Gesellschaft in Berlin, 1802–1805 (New York: Praeger), xiv, 148, 162–169, 183–185; M Howard, 1961, The Franco-Prussian War (New York: Routledge), 18–22; P Malick, 2011, Staff System in the Indian Army: Time for Change, Manekshaw Paper No. 31 (New Delhi: KW Publishers), 5–7.

[46] Hittle, 1961, 95, 125–126.

[47] Commonwealth of Australia, 1997, TIB84, vii, viii.

[48]Ibid., 1-1.

[49] The 9 function was added in later iterations of the doctrine. Commonwealth of Australia, 1997, TIB84, 1-1–1-5; Commonwealth of Australia, 2004, Land Warfare Procedure—General, 5-1-1 Operational Staff Guide, Part 1—Planning Procedures (Developing Doctrine) (Puckapunyal: Australian Army), 2-1–2-3.

[50] Commonwealth of Australia, 2017, Land Warfare Procedure—General, 0-5-1 Staff Officers Guide (Puckapunyal: Australian Army), 1-9–1-22, Annex A.

[51] Commonwealth of Australia, 1997, TIB84, 2-4, 2-5.

[52] Ibid., 2-4.

[53] Hittle, 1961, 78.

[54] The MAP is in current use as the Staff Military Appreciation Process (SMAP), Individual Military Appreciation Process (IMAP) and Combat Military Appreciation Process (CMAP). The SMAP and IMAP are deliberate processes while the CMAP is designed for rapid analysis and decision-making. Commonwealth of Australia, 1996, Training Information Bulletin No 74, The Military Appreciation Process (Georges Heights: Australian Army), 1-1, 1-2, 1-14, 1-15; Commonwealth of Australia, 2015, Land Warfare Doctrine 5-1-4 The Military Appreciation Process (Puckapunyal: Australian Army), 1-1, 1-3, 9-1, 10-1.

[55] Commonwealth of Australia, 1999, Land Warfare Procedure—General, 0-1-4 The Military Appreciation Process (Puckapunyal: Australian Army), 1-1, 1-2, Chapter 3, Annex C; Commonwealth of Australia, 2001, Land Warfare Procedure—General, 0-1-4 The Military Appreciation Process (Puckapunyal: Australian Army), 1-12, 1-15, Chapter 4, Annex B.

[56] Commonwealth of Australia, 2004, LWP-G 5-1-1, Part 1, 2-1, 2-2.

[57] Ibid., 2C-2, 2C-4.

[59] Ibid., 1-21, 1-22.

[60] Commonwealth of Australia, 2017, Concept for Employment of Army’s Combat Brigade (Sydney: Australian Army), Chapter 2, Section 220.

[61] Commonwealth of Australia, 2015, LWD 5-1-4 The Military Appreciation Process, Chapter 4, Annex B.

[62] Department of Defence, ‘Marine Rotational Force—Darwin’, accessed 16 February 2023, at: 

[63] J Storr, 2003, The Command of British Land Forces in Iraq, March to May 2003 (Pewsey: Directorate General of Development and Doctrine—British Army), 6–8.

[64] Malick, 2011, 16–17.

[65] Hittle, 1961, 266.

[66] JE Wissler, ‘Logistics: The Lifeblood of Military Power’, The Heritage Foundation website, 4 October 2018, accessed 20 January 2021, at:

[67] ‘Army Restructure Australia’, Veteranweb, 4 December 2020, accessed 20 February 2022, at:

[68] This is in reference to the Great General Staff of the German Army. As the highest headquarters in the organisation, it was responsible for the administration, development and overall command of the army, including commanding the staffs of the subordinate formations, such as army groups, corps and divisions.

[69] During the author’s four postings at Army Headquarters, the structure of the headquarters was not per the Common Staff System and the MAP was not used during staff planning. The post First Principles Review restructure (2016) resulted in a business process oriented organisation based on the Portfolio, Program and Project Offices (P3O) methodology. Managing Successful Programs and PRINCE2 project management methodologies were the directed processes to manage and develop capability. The reasons for this are beyond the scope of this paper; however, they are reflective of wider Department of Defence practice and processes contained in the Capability Life Cycle.