Short Thoughts Collection - Transforming Land Power
Our region is entering an increasingly challenging strategic environment. In response, it is the responsibility of all ADF members to be alert to the implications of current and emerging threats and their relevance to the military’s ability to deliver capability, where and when it is needed, in support of Australia’s national interests. As the ADF’s instrument of land power. Army needs to be willing to engage intellectually with the questions central to its contribution to the joint force, and how it may be employed in a complex, rapidly evolving and increasingly contested strategic setting. To this end, Future Land Warfare (FLW) Branch -through the Australian Army Research Centre (AARC) - strives to raise the level of professional debate on war, military force, future land capability development and its challenges within Army, the nation and beyond. An Army able to canvas ideas from across the professional spectrum, and able to engage in mature debate about the challenges it faces, is one that is intellectually equipped to deliver the agile and progressive thinking needed to inform the decisions that are demanded of it; at the strategic, operational and tactical levels.
In April 2022, the AARC’s Land Power Forum invited authors to contribute 600-1000 word submissions directly related to the theme of ‘Transforming Land Power’. The number and quality of responses to this ‘Short Thoughts’ competition reflected positively on the willingness of our men and women to take on the challenge of helping to shape Army’s future. Authors ranged from current serving to retired ADF members, soldiers to senior officers, and APS. Each author brought unique perspectives on issues as varied as institutional transformation, a deep battle concept, home defence, UAVs, and alternative fuels to power Army’s vehicle fleet. The breadth of topics and spread of ranks proves that good ideas are not the monopoly of a particular area, group or rank band. Rather, inspiration and a willingness to contribute a good idea is something that is a fundamental strength of our Army, and Defence more broadly.
This publication is a compilation of the ‘Short Thoughts’ entries that were assessed by FLW Branch as the most meritorious. The award of modest travel and book prizes for the winners, publication on the Land Power Forum for all entries, and the delivery of this document recognises the efforts of the authors and further encourages intellectual engagement with issues facing Army. I commend this document to you as a basis to help further stimulate consideration and debate on the questions facing Army as it tackles the challenge of transforming land power.
Colonel Anthony Duus
Acting Director General Future Land Warfare
6 July 2022
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