RA SIGS Integration into the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team
The Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team, an element of 20 EOD SQN, is among the Australian Defence Force’s most effective weapons in the fight against the improvised explosive device (IED), the tool of the modern insurgent. The crucial communications element of the EOD team is currently managed by a Regimental Signaller, a non-specialist operator with all-corps training. Replacing the Regimental Signaller with a specialist Communications Systems Operator (COMSYSOP), however, would significantly increase the team’s capability. This article argues that an embedded COMSYSOP would not simply enhance command and control capabilities and reduce re-tasking time, but would also provide valuable expertise in advanced force protection electronic countermeasures (FPECM) and specialist electro-magnetic spectrum (EMS) knowledge. The article describes the role of an EOD COMSYSOP and proposes operational control and technical control structures, outlining also the required changes to the EOD COMSYSOP training continuum. Issues of manning neutrality, structure within the EOD squadron and selection of the right COMSYSOP for the task will also be discussed. The article concludes with a balanced appraisal of the benefits of the embedded COMSYSOP against the backdrop of current manning and resource constraints.
Fight the enemy’s strategy, not his forces.
- David Kilcullen
The employment of IED by insurgent groups poses a constant threat to counterinsurgency operations. Insurgents have become far more sophisticated in their employment of the IED, which has evolved from a favoured tool of harassment to a key force multiplier, all too often used with devastating effect. One of the critical assets used to counter the burgeoning IED threat is the EOD team within the 20 EOD SQN construct. Managing the team’s communications element is the responsibility of its Regimental Signaller, an essential component of the team. Yet, as this article will argue, the capabilities of the EOD team would be significantly enhanced were the Regimental Signaller to be replaced by a COMSYSOP from the Royal Australian Corps of Signals (RA Sigs). The primary role of an embedded COMSYSOP would be to assist the EOD team and the Task Force Commander by facilitating critical communication flow at the tactical level and to provide additional expertise not resident in the Regimental Signaller. Thus EOD teams could be re-tasked rapidly, reducing the deployed force elements’ time on incident.
Roles of the EOD COMSYSOP
The COMSYSOP trade is highly versatile and is often regarded as the backbone of RA Sigs. While the Regimental Signaller shares some key roles across the Australian Army, the COMSYSOP affords a niche capability to the commander by providing an array of capabilities and expertise that surpasses that of the Regimental Signaller. Within the EOD team, the COMSYSOP could provide and maintain tactical voice communications and battle management systems (BMS), employ FPECM and supply battlespace spectrum management (BSM) advice, maintenance, management and operation.1 Each of these additional capabilities will be discussed in turn.
In an enhanced EOD team, the provision, maintenance and operation of tactical HF, VHF, UHF and satellite communications voice and data services would be the primary responsibility of the COMSYSOP. These services are currently managed by a qualified explosive ordnance reconnaissance (EOR) team member, or an attached Technical Assist who is a field engineer sapper or corporal understudying the EOR team member. While these operators are equipped to ensure the provision of a basic service, the COMSYSOP can maintain a higher command link with both the coordinating headquarters and supported Australian and coalition force elements. Adding a COMSYSOP would involve minimal change in the provision of tactical voice communications to the team; however, it would considerably enhance BMS connectivity. In addition, the COMSYSOP could also manage the team’s cryptographic responsibilities and provide direct liaison with the Joint Terminal Air Controller net to request restriction of airspace while the EOD team is on task.
The ability to operate, maintain and manage BMS—which provides a common operating picture of the battlespace—is a skill that is currently not organic to the EOD team. The recent RA Sigs force structure review concluded that ‘Regimental Signallers, in their current guise, are unlikely to be capable of operating future signals capabilities without significant additional training.’2 Put simply, BMS operation is beyond the ability of an all-corps communicator, and certainly well beyond that of a member of the EOD team who is undertaking this role as a secondary task.3 However, the efficient employment of BMS by a COMSYSOP could prove to be a significant force multiplier. Introducing a BMS capability will allow the task force assets’ operational tempo to be closely monitored by the networked commander at all levels. BMS allow the EOD manager enhanced visibility of the battlespace and all those EOD tasks conducted within. In addition, BMS provide the EOD manager with an enhanced ability to directly re-task assets, ensuring EOD team members are utilised with the maximum economy of effort. With the addition of BMS, the team will be able to update task completion times which, in turn, will assist networked commanders to plan future tasks. For example, if an EOD team plots the estimated completion time of a clearance task, a combat services support team commander can then schedule a convoy based around that timeline, supplementing the tactical information flow to all commanders.
The ability to operate, maintain and manage BMS—which provides a common operating picture of the battlespace—is a skill that is currently not organic to the EOD team.
The addition of the COMSYSOP would also add expertise in the management of FPECM and BSM.4 Given the complexity and risk inherent in counterinsurgency operations, the protection of assets remains a key consideration. Arguably, EOD teams are highly vulnerable to radio-controlled IED and thus every effort should be made to protect them. The COMSYSOP would conduct routine FPECM procedures such as equipment issue, management and security, and pre-use checks as well as providing advice on FPECM for use in pre-deployment orders.5 The COMSYSOP’s BSM capacity would also enhance its effectiveness against enemy spectrum use and reduce the threat of spectrum confliction of communication through FPECM and EOD equipment.6 During an EOD task, the COMSYSOP would ensure that the FPECM equipment is employed to deliver maximum effectiveness. The COMSYSOP would achieve this by utilising spectrum analysis equipment on site to determine the emitter’s frequency and deploying the relevant FPECM equipment in an ‘ECM haze’. Concurrently, the COMSYSOP would update the EOD manager over a dedicated net on the progression of the task and mark the incident on the theatre’s BMS while maintaining command and control awareness and higher command link capability over combat net radio equipment. Additional tasks could include employment of BSM to avoid spectrum fratricide—this is particularly important with partnered coalition patrols—and the conduct of de-confliction with other force elements in the area of operations. On completion of these tasks, the COMSYSOP would conduct site analysis, bagging evidence and photographing the site for the relevant exploitation cell. While not on task, the operator could be charged with providing comment on active and passive emitters utilised in radio-controlled IEDs to the theatre J63X and collecting other information relevant to the role. The COMSYSOP could also maintain the team’s communication, cryptographic and FPECM equipment and conduct training, while developing intelligence tools in conjunction with the battlegroup S2 cell. As the role develops, additional tasks may include the provision of direction-finding equipment and management and maintenance of spectrum-mapping equipment to assist the EOD team in locating radiocontrolled IED.
On completion of these tasks, the COMSYSOP would conduct site analysis, bagging evidence and photographing the site for the relevant exploitation cell.
The higher level of communications support provided by the COMSYSOP will increase the effectiveness and protection of EOD teams well beyond current levels of operation. The increased knowledge of FPECM and BSM within the team will ensure that EOD operators have the ability to apply a new knowledge base and skill-sets in the conduct of their tasks. Employment of BMS and the advances in tactical communication will ensure that the EOD team has the correct command and control balance to ensure timeliness of relevant tactical information and coordination. Given the complexity of the modern battlespace, there is an enormous range of factors that can affect an EOD team’s task time, including the complexity and number of the team’s devices, nature of the threat, soak times (delay in reaction so as to avoid setting a pattern) and the time of movement to the incident. With the addition of an embedded COMSYSOP, the team’s reaction time will be effectively reduced because the EOD manager’s ability to coordinate assets will be enhanced and the manager will now have the freedom to employ an extra qualified EOD on task and utilise additional skill-sets embedded in the team.

Figure 1. Capabilities provided
Management and Coordination of the COMSYSOP
Management of the COMSYSOP and his/her role within the EOD team are issues that require particular focus. As suggested previously, the COMSYSOP will replace the Regimental Signaller, requiring a shift in both RA Sigs and Royal Australian Engineers operating procedures. In addition, the level of command designated to each element must be considered. The attachment of a COMSYSOP will also affect reporting into the intelligence cycle, empowering the FPECM officer and providing a range of enhancements and adjustments to tactics, techniques and procedures with the introduction of BMS and the provision of BSM capability.
Recent advances in search techniques and the use of FPECM and related equipment have reduced the threat of casualties from IED detonation. However, insurgent forces gain their centre of gravity from freedom of movement and the EOD team’s inability to effectively counter this. Once an EOD operation begins, a security cordon is established around the site, and any observing insurgent force can detect, locate and fix its opposing force elements into position. For this reason, a reduction in the EOD team’s reaction and re-tasking time is paramount. By enhancing communication and command and control capabilities, the EOD manager acquires the ability to conduct concurrent EOD clearance operations. The introduction of the COMSYSOP adds a BMS capability to assist in the reduction of re-tasking time by allowing complete visual of the EOD manager’s assets and tasks, and allowing the team’s members to be employed more effectively to assist with the EOD task without the burden of providing and monitoring communications and FPECM. In short, the COMSYSOP’s ability to closely monitor the EOD team and its tasks will reduce time on task and reaction times for EOD and force protection assets.
... the COMSYSOP’s ability to closely monitor the EOD team and its tasks will reduce time on task and reaction times for EOD and force protection assets.
Intelligence and operations are complementary, and this has become one of the driving factors in counterinsurgency operations.7 The intelligence cycle assists and, at times, drives operations. The weapons intelligence team assists in developing force protection measures such as FPECM and enhanced tactics, techniques and procedures. Additional protection of force elements by FPECM relies on accurate, timely and multi-tiered reporting on the insurgent’s employment of passive and active systems utilising EMS. The addition of the COMSYSOP provides another collector with the ability to feed raw data into the intelligence cycle.8 In this environment everyone is a collector, and having a communication asset deployed at the tactical level with advanced knowledge of FPECM increases the ability of the FPECM officer to task intelligence requirements to the appropriate EOD COMSYSOP team.9 Intelligence requirements can be managed by the FPECM officer and tasked to the COMSYSOP on behalf of organisations such as the S2/J2 Cell, Combined Explosive Exploitation Cell, Combined IED Task Force, weapons intelligence team and spectrum managers as part of their liaison duties.
Management of the COMSYSOP within the EOD team may, however, prove complex. Difficulties may arise if operational control10 of RA Sigs members occurs outside their technical control authority.11 The use of the COMSYSOP will need to be managed on two levels. Operational control will fall within the EOD chain of command, allowing the COMSYSOP’s operational integration into the team and ensuring that he/she gains intimate knowledge of the team’s tactics, techniques and procedures. This arrangement will allow the coordination and optimisation of the COMSYSOP’s services. Technical control will rest with the RA Sigs hierarchal structure within the EOD squadron. Having the two branches of command will allow the COMSYSOP to maintain situational awareness of EOD team operations and also ensure management of complex signals issues within the traditional chain of command.
Training the Operator
A soldier’s training continuum and trade progression ensure that he/she gains the required skills to perform efficiently. Among the Australian Army’s greatest assets are its training emphasis, continuum and establishments. Currently there is no particular emphasis in the RA Sigs training continuum below the combat team or nodal level, with the exception of the special operations signals community. This lack of emphasis is detrimental to the operating environment of the COMSYSOP described in this proposal. However, its effect can be reduced by enforcing a set of standard prerequisites and general increase in the skills of the COMSYSOP.
The COMSYSOP possesses a range of skill-sets organic to RA Sigs that cannot be matched by the all-corps trained communicators. COMSYSOPs will, ideally, have completed the Advanced Operator Course and have twelve months’ experience in trade within a combined arms communications environment. This will ensure that the operator has sufficient trade skills and qualities to provide tactical voice/data and BMS services to the EOD team. Completion of the Electromagnetic Spectrum Engineer and Planning Course will also ensure that the COMSYSOP possesses an understanding of spectrum management and can assist in BSM tasks.
The COMSYSOP possesses a range of skill-sets organic to RA Sigs that cannot be matched by the all-corps trained communicators.
The FPECM training requirement will require a rethinking of the training prerequisites for RA Sigs members. Currently, RA Sigs operators are trained on FPECM equipment only when there is a requirement for a signaller to complete the FPECM operator’s course, usually when attending pre-deployment training or completing the promotion training continuum beginning with Subject 2 for Sergeant. Changing the prerequisites and allowing the COMSYSOP to undertake the FPECM manager’s course will create a knowledge base beyond that of an FPECM operator and enhance employability within the EOD team.
The employability of the COMSYSOP may also be significantly enhanced with possession of a range of all-corps qualifications. The Junior Leadership Course, Battle Group Intelligence Course, Tactical Site Exploitation/Tactical Site Analysis (TSE/TSA) qualifications and Explosive Ordinance Technical Assist are all examples of these qualifications. The TSE/TSA qualification will assist in reporting and chain of evidence requirements and allow the COMSYSOP to contribute directly to the intelligence cycle, particularly in the absence of a weapons intelligence team on site. A qualified COMSYSOP will also enhance the FPECM officer’s contribution in the intelligence preparation and monitoring of the battlespace (IPMB). The TSE/TSA qualification can be gained by an all-corps signaller either by attending a three-day TSE/TSA course or by completing the Battle Group Intelligence Course. These courses will also provide a base knowledge of the intelligence cycle, battlegroup intelligence duties and the compilation and maintenance of IPMB. Completion of the Junior Leadership Course will assist the COMSYSOP to operate more comfortably in a combined arms environment. Finally, ‘... completion of the EOTA [Explosive Ordnance Technical Assist] course would provide the COMSYSOP a generic knowledge base in EO clearance techniques, tools and procedures utilised by the EOD team, and therefore allow a better integration into the EOD team.’12 While this appears to be a heavy training liability, time in training could be mitigated by posting the COMSYSOP to the Engineer Regiment within the standard posting cycle. By shifting the responsibility for the training requirement to the gaining engineer squadron, particular emphasis can be applied to managing the training continuum and focusing on relevant, developing threats and tactics, techniques and procedures to manage these.
While this appears to be a heavy training liability, time in training could be mitigated by posting the COMSYSOP to the Engineer Regiment within the standard posting cycle.
Equipping the COMSYSOP with the knowledge to assist the EOD team and removing traditional barriers posed by training prerequisites will ensure the successful integration of the COMSYSOP into the EOD team. The COMSYSOP must have an advanced understanding of his/her trade, experience of operating within the all-corps environment, knowledge of FPECM and an awareness of EOD team procedures in order to make the most effective contribution to the team and its performance.
Manning, Structure and Selection
A practical example of the employment of the COMSYSOP can be applied to the structure and personnel selection for 20 EOD SQN. RA Sigs certainly has the ability to provide a suitable number of COMSYSOPs to supply a functioning arm to 20 EOD SQN. However, the careful selection of individuals to fill this position is essential in order to achieve the best results for 20 EOD SQN, RA Sigs and the Army as a whole.
With the current critical manpower shortage that afflicts the COMSYSOP trade, any proposal that may draw manpower away from units must be viewed as manning neutral in order to gain support. For the COMSYSOP structure within 20 EOD SQN to be operationally functional, a total of nine suitable operators must be posted into these positions with an additional nine following the second phase of manning. Initially, positions for the first phase of manning could be provided by Forces Command and Chief Information Officer Group signal squadrons and regiments. The second phase, comprising nine additional operators, could occur following 20

Figure 2. Training continuum
EOD SQN’s second unit establishment review, scheduled for 2013. The generation of a new role for the COMSYSOP that focuses on the operator’s individual qualities, trade skills and the fact that the COMSYSOP trade will now have a non-SOCOMD position operating at the tactical level, will assist the corps in recruiting and retention, thus contributing to its manning-neutral status.
EOD teams are divided between three operational formations: 20 EOD SQN, Special Operations Command (SOCOMD) and the Regional Explosive Ordinance Services (REOS). Given the way that EOD teams are employed in support of SOCOMD and REOS operations, the addition of a COMSYSOP offers no real enhancement to their capability. However, 20 EOD SQN clearly has a requirement for the additional capability provided by the COMSYSOP. Given the manning restrictions placed on RA Sigs, the first phase of manning would seek to support 20 EOD SQN at section level which comprises two EOD teams. The second phase would place a COMSYSOP within every team (see Figure 3). This would ensure that, from the date of the first phase, 20 EOD SQN will be able to raise, train and sustain the COMSYSOP capability within the unit as long as no more than four teams are deployed from the squadron at any one time. Should the squadron’s operational demands exceed four teams, support could be provided to up to four sections by the COMSYSOP; however, this would severely hamper the COMSYSOP’s ability to provide team-level support and would restrict his/her role to mentoring, maintenance and management of the communication infrastructure of the team.
... 20 EOD SQN will be able to raise, train and sustain the COMSYSOP capability within the unit as long as no more than four teams are deployed from the squadron at any one time.
The provision of communications support to small team operations requires an individual who is competent in his/her role and who can draw on a broad range of experience. While the training of the COMSYSOP will bridge a substantial capability gap, it will be crucial to select an operator who can assimilate into an EOD team, manage the substantial multi-tiered workload, and who, above all, is technically competent. Selection for this role is the responsibility of the COMSYSOP’s career manager and chain of command at his/her losing regiment or squadron, with due emphasis on trade experience.
The simple replacement of the Regimental Signaller in the EOD team with a specialist COMSYSOP is sufficient to significantly enhance the effectiveness of the EOD team and add to its operational capability. The addition of the COMSYSOP’s expertise in FPECM, BSM and BMS operability and the consequent effect on re-tasking time are all effective force multipliers for the EOD team. While this article has been written from the perspective of a COMSYSOP and merely presents the base line of an idea to serve as a talking point, it demonstrates that such a proposal is readily achievable within the current training continuum and manning constraints. The Army possesses both the opportunity and the ability to achieve this goal and now needs only the impetus.

Figure 3. RA Sigs ORBAT within 20 EOD SQN
1 As is usual in such operations, BSM advice would be tailored to the COMSYSOP knowledge base and would rely in turn on advice provided by the coordinating force elements specifically tasked with frequency management.
2 Lieutenant Colonel S J Frankel, Information Brief for RA Sigs Force Structure Review on the signals requirements at battlegroup level and below, <http://intranet.defence.gov.au/armyweb/sites/chkDoc.asp?S=15345&D=11933…; accessed 15 October 2010.
3 The networking, management and maintenance of BMS are usually RA Sigs responsibilities.
4 Interview with Major Ashley Nurick and Warrant Officer Class 2 D Higgins, 13 October 2010.
5 CIED-TF, Land Force Protection Electronic Countermeasures Handbook, Canberra, 2010. See p. 3 and chapter on tactics, techniques and procedures.
6 Lieutenant Colonel D Hay, ‘Battle Space Spectrum Management – Fighting the EMS Battle’, <http://intranet.defence.gov.au/armyweb/sites/DNEW/docs/Hay-BSM_Brief.do…; accessed 15 October 2010.
7 David Kilcullen, Counter Insurgency, Scribe, Melbourne, 2010, p. 31.
8 The COMSYSOP will not erode the role of the weapons intelligence team and other assets used to exploit information from IEDs. The role of the COMSYSOP is purely to provide exploitation, assessment and comment within the Tactical Site Exploitation/Tactical Site Analysis (TSE/TSA) parameters bounded by his/her skill as a communicator. The COMSYSOP will also further reinforce the FPECM officer’s reporting and knowledge of active and passive emitters used in conjunction with IEDs.
9 Land Force Protection Electronic Countermeasures Handbook.
10 Operational control is ‘The authority delegated to a commander to direct forces assigned ...; to deploy units concerned, and to retain or assign separate tactical control of those units. It does not include authority to assign separate employment of components of the units concerned. Neither does it, of itself, include administrative or logistical control.’ See Operations Series ADFP 3.8.1. - Peace Operations Planning and Procedures, Department of Defence, Canberra, 14 December 2009.
11 Technical control is ‘The specialised or professional guidance and direction exercised by an authority in technical matters.’ See Logistics Series ADDP 4.2 – Support to Operations, Department of Defence, Canberra, 17 October 2003.
12 Interview with Major Ashley Nurick and Warrant Officer Class 2 D Higgins, 13 October 2010.